Suicidal Feelings
Repeated painful experiences, particularly losses, can lead you to blame
yourself and feel that you haven’t lived up to your own standards. Faced with an
unbearable situation, and overpowering feelings of guilt, failures or conflicts,
you may start to think that death is your only option.
Or you may feel suicidal for no apparent reason. You may think that you have
no reason to want to kill yourself. This can trigger feelings of deep guilt and
shame and you may find it difficult to tell others what you are going through.
Although thinking about suicide is quite common, and may occur whatever your
age, gender or sexuality, you will be more vulnerable to suicidal thoughts and
feelings if you feel incapable of solving the difficulties in your life. These
may include:
- Isolation or loneliness
- The breakdown of an important relationship
- Being bullied at work, home or at school
- Experiencing bereavement or other loss
- Work problems, unemployment or poor job prospects
- Adjusting to a big change, such as divorce, retirement or
redundancy - Debt problems
- Pregnancy, childbirth or postnatal depression
- Doubts about your sexual or gender identity
- A history of sexual or physical abuse
You may believe you are beyond help, or so deeply hurt or afraid that you
feel out of reach or don’t deserve help. Counselling will help you focus on your
immediate difficulties and problem-solving skills, while providing a safe place
where you can talk freely and be supported coming to terms with difficult
memories, feelings and fears.
Contact Us
By Telephone :
Mobile: 0754 3071 396
Mobile: 0754 3071 394
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H&N Counselling & Psychotherapy
Upper Floor
336 Lisburn Road